Nitya Ensafe has qualified, trained and motivated personnel for any type of environment monitoring. All kinds of monitoring equipment are available with us viz. Respirable Suspended Particulate Sampler (RSPM), High Volume Sampler (HVS), Stack Kits, Meteorological instruments, Data Loggers etc. Instruments such as Stack Kit and HVS are manufactured by reputed manufacturers as per the standards and guidelines laid down by BIS.
Nitya Ensafe is facilitated with Particulate samplers for Ambient Air quality monitoring. Respirable Dust samplers are used to collect particulate matter of < 10μ size and Non-particulate fraction of > 10μ size separately. These samplers are also used to collect gaseous pollutants such as SOX (Oxides of Sulphur), NOX (Oxides of Nitrogen), Chlorine, etc.
These samplers are generally used for AAQM (Ambient Air Quality Monitoring) during EIA study as well as in several industries such as petrochemicals, fertilizers, bulk-drugs, refineries, thermal plants, engineering, etc. for regular Air Quality Monitoring.
The purpose of stack monitoring is to extract sample from the stack or duct which is representative of emissions from that stack or duct during a time period under a desired operation condition.
Physical measurements as well as determination of chemical parameters such as:
Personal samplers or Handy samplers of adequate and appropriate design are available with KEC. They have adequate capacity to carryout Industrial Hygiene surveys and exposure to fugitive emissions. The methods used for analysis are as per section 36(A) Factory Act 1 948.
Fugitive Emissions monitoring is undertaken by using tubes, Handy samplers, absorbent tubes, steel gas bombs, speciality sampling bags wherever required.
Nitya Ensafe has several on-line data-loggers for weather data collection as well as manual weather data collection equipment. These equipment include Wind Vane, Wind Anemometer, Dry & Wet Thermometer, Max. & Min. Thermometer, Rain gauge, Barometer and SODAR.
Thought of founding the firm came in 2011 and established in 2014 with associates and technocrats of Environmental Engineering field.
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